Friday, August 10, 2007

Mucked up in a Box

Mucked up!
To muddy to get in any ones car.
Qai and Jared are mucked up in a box.

2 boys mucked up in a box

Boys will be boys! So they played in the box.
2 mucked up boys played in the box.

Dolly and Me

My dream of swimming with the dolphins came true this year. Chad surprised me with a ticket to swim with the dolphins. I had a 20 min. class and then 40 min. in the water. I got to dance as in this photo. I gave commands to jump and do tricks and feed them. Her name is Dolly and she is one the the highest jumper they have.

I was in a goup of people full filling there dreams too. I also got to take her for a walk.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

St. George, UT camping

St. George, UT camping
Trevon & Keenan went with G-ma Judy and Papa to St. George, UT camping/fishing trip, with great grandpa, and Ma Clark